Bittersweet Irony: Is the Church Ready for Holy Spirit-Filled Evangelical Christian Revivals?
Why conservative American evangelicals are among Israel's strongest supporters
New Apostolic Reformation evangelicals see Trump as God's warrior in their battle to win America from satanic forces and Christianize it
Evangelical leaders celebrate Trump's victory as a prophecy fulfilled
Influential prophesizing pastors believe reelecting Trump is a win in the war of angels and demons
Meet the powerful evangelicals who believe Trump is an apostle who will reclaim America for Christ
This State Is Publicly Seeking God After Lawmakers Declared 31 Days of Prayer and Fasting
CARL HULSE: Behind Johnson’s Rise, a GOP Consumed by the Far Right
Speaker Johnson wrote foreword for book filled with conspiracy theories and homophobic insults | CNN Politics
Losing Our Religion review: Trump and the crisis of US Christianity
Compassionate Christian authoritarianism: The leftist utopia the right thinks will save the church
How a miracle-obsessed megachurch conquered a California city
Christian nationalists have provoked a pluralist resistance
'Armageddon' shows how literal readings of the Bible's end times affect modern times
Trump requests toppled Confederate statue in DC be restored – report