The Growing Strength of the Christian Nationalism in Politics
Trump signs order to establish White House Faith Office
Trump's taskforce order is latest in efforts to boost Christian nationalism
Do We Need A Final Crusade To Save The Western World?
New Apostolic Reformation evangelicals see Trump as God's warrior in their battle to win America from satanic forces and Christianize it
'God is in the country now': meet the evangelicals rejoicing at Trump victory
Christian extremists are champing at the bit for Trump to hand them secular power
MAGA says Project 2025 'Is the Agenda'
Thousands rally at Christian nationalist event in DC to 'turn hearts back to God'
Talk of 'Christian nationalism' is getting a lot louder – but what does the term really mean?
Anthea Butler explains the Catholic version of Christian nationalism
Trump’s Christian Nationalist Vision for America
Evangelical leader Lance Wallnau pitches Trump to followers as divinely chosen for presidency
Christian Nationalists and Project 2025 have a radical scheme to remake your weekends
Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei
Catholic Christian nationalism is having a moment
Shooting makes Trump ‘indestructible’ in eyes of supporters
‘God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust’ will combine religion and politics on the big screen
Charlie Kirk once pushed a 'secular worldview.' Now he's fighting to make America Christian again.
The strange world of Catholic 'integralism' — and Christian nationalism
It’s a Good Time to Start Worrying About Christian Nationalism
Christianity and organized labor continue to march together
UAW President Shawn Fain Is Reviving That Old-Time Religion: Christian Radicalism