Our Story
Amazing Discoveries™ is committed to exposing deception in the spiritual realm and restoring the truth about God and His Word through the proclamation of the three angels’ messages

In 1992, the Goubej family travelled to South Africa for a special family vacation, and there met scientist and speaker Professor Walter J. Veith. After hearing his life story and his passion for truth, they invited him to hold his first public campaign in Canada, held the next year in 1993. Over 1200 people attended his fascinating presentations on science and religion. That year, the Goubej family formed Amazing Discoveries™ to be able to continue hosting public seminars in North America and to spread the three angels’ messages far and wide.
Our magazine, Faith on the Line, was also started in 1993 and contains uplifting, and inspiring articles that challenge, educate, and grow your faith.

In 2000, Amazing Discoveries launched its first website featuring our first video on demand, marking the beginnings of our digital library that would grow over the years, providing free resources in video and article form, for those seeking truth.

For the next 10 years, Amazing Discoveries continued to grow to present many presentations around the globe, through various speakers that have joined with us in proclaiming the news of Jesus’ soon return. VHS & later DVDs of our presentations have circulated worldwide, especially the highly impactful series Total Onslaught by Walter Veith which has now been translated into 15 languages.
Our resource library continued to grow to include books, sharing material, and health resources.

In 2010, Amazing Discoveries took a leap of faith and expanded to Satellite TV, broadcasting in North America, Australia, New Zealand, and southern Africa, allowing us to broadcast the truth 24/7 around the world through hundreds of presentations on a variety of topics such as health, creation-evolution, media, current events, Bible prophecy, history, and Christian living.

In 2017 we moved our headquarters from Langley, BC to 150 Mile House, BC on 160 acres.
The land gives us the space to develop our mission school and other agricultural plans that will serve our students, our local and virtual community.
In 2021 we opened a market garden to provide fresh produce to the local community and to teach others how to live off the land.
Our mission school, still to come, will be founded on the Bible and will provide a well-balanced curriculum, incorporating studying the Bible with hands-on training outdoors and medical missionary training.

We have also released many Bible study tools to enhance your study experience on our platform.
We continue working hard on expanding our website to transform it into the most-trusted, educational website for truth seekers across the globe with a study portal that will integrate our Watch and Read sections to provide a seamless learning experience.
Our study portal will include a full suite of innovative features and trustworthy resources to educate people on important Bible truths on a range of subjects including Christian living, end-time prophecy, mental health and much more!
Our health website amazinghealth.com provides life-altering educational information on how to live a long and healthy life.