Theologians, ministers and pastors build bridges across the church in the Americas
Pope to Orthodox leader: Let’s celebrate Nicaea anniversary together
Pope: 'Synodality is inseparable from ecumenism'
A call for Catholics and Protestants to receive Communion—side by side
"Green colleges" share initiatives on sustainability and theological formation
Catholic leader promotes interfaith unity through Yemen charity work in Yemen
Pope hopes for 'reconciled differences' with Orthodox, Protestants
Mission is common goal of synod and ecumenism, pope says
The role of the Bishop of Rome in ecumenical dialogue
Pope to ecumenical pilgrimage: 'Be credible witnesses of unity and hope'
WCC moderator welcomes new Vatican document on the papacy
'It Will Be Epic': Gather25 to Bring Together Global Church Like Never Before
Interreligious dialogue at the heart of Pope's visit to Indonesia
Marian procession in Tunisia brings Catholics and Muslims together
Did we just witness a second Day of Pentecost? 12,000 baptized across California
Pope says Christian unity means rejecting ‘proselytism and competition’
Interreligious dialogue an urgent need, Pope Francis says at close of Kazakhstan congress
Pope Francis at the general audience: Ask God for unity to ‘overcome scandal of division’ among Christians
One world religion?
Pope Francis to have historic meeting with head of Russian Orthodox Church
Pope will go to Sweden for Reformation anniversary, Vatican announces
Pope Francis to Be First-Ever Catholic Leader to Visit Rome's Great Mosque, Islamic Leaders Say
Pope in Kenya: Interreligious dialogue not an option, but a necessity
The Pope’s great Evangelical gamble
Pope Says Catholic-Buddhist Meeting Sows ‘Seeds of Peace and Brotherhood’
Pope Francis Says the Devil Is Keeping Evangelicals and Catholics Divided: 'We Are One; It Is He Who's Persecuting Christians Today'
Do not give up on ecumenical dialogue, Pope tells German Lutherans | News Headlines
Will Rick Warren Play a Role In Persuading Some Calvary Chapel Pastors To Follow His Lead Towards Ecumenical Evangelicalism?
Churches agree on incarnation after 1500 years of strife
Work and pray together now, despite differences, Pope urges ecumenical community
Pope Francis: Christ restores peace by breaking walls of division
Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican
Israel's Shimon Peres proposes new peace initiative "UN of Religions" to pope at Vatican visit
Pope Francis: the Church is a mother who guides her children
Canadian Bishops Mark 50th Anniversary of Vatican II's Ecumenism Document
Francis Tells Religious Leaders: We Are Brothers
World Evangelical Alliance Responds to Papal Apology With Its Own - ZENIT - English
Pope Surprises on Private Visit to Caserta
Pope Names Consultors for Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
Bishop Palmer, pope's Pentecostal friend, dies in motorcycle accident
Pope’s friend Bishop Tony Palmer dies in motorcycle crash
Tony Palmer, who captured Pope Francis’ bid for Christian unity with a cellphone, dies after motorcycle crash
Catholics, Jews and Muslims sign peace statement in Colombia
Pope Francis reaches out to evangelical, charismatic leaders
Pope Francis meets US televangelists, and the first-ever ‘papal high-five’ follows
Kenneth Copeland Reports In About His Meeting with Pope Francis
Pope meets with US Protestant delegation | News Headlines
Pope Hosts Israeli, Palestinian Presidents for Prayer Meeting
Joel Osteen, In The Spirit Of Ecumenism, Meets Pope Francis
Joel Osteen Attends Mass in St. Peter's Square, Meets With Holy Father
Peres and Abbas to pray for peace at Vatican on June 8
Americans to Join Pope Francis for Charismatic Conference in Rome
Pope Francis calls for peace between Christians, Muslims and Jews
Vatican official examines developments in relations with World Council of Churches, Baptists
Divisions among Christians are 'a scandal,' says pope
Pope tells atheists: You don't have to believe in God to go to heaven
Pope Urges All Religions to Unite for Peace, Justice
One-World Church Expected This Year